25. March 2020
Update Corona Situation
Yes we are still OPEN! As the need for individual mobility besides public transport is higher than ever, the Berlin Senat decided that bike shops are allowed to open. We are a small business and depend on our local shop business to be open to get trough this times also.
We are taking the situation and the health of our staff and customers very serious and can only keep the shop running if you stick to the rules and precautions to help avoiding spreading infection and keeping everyone healthy.
- WAIT OUTSIDE if you see one or two customers inside and wait for them coming out
KEEP DISTANCE Keep your distance to other customers and our shop staff. (Best 1,5 to 2 m)
Make appointments and first requests via phone or mail!
- Please dont come to the shop if you have any initial symptoms like running nose, sore throat and fever even if you think its just a normal cold!
- Use the online store to avoid unnecessary contact! If you have enquieries or questions we are happy to help via phone or mail.
- Please pay by card if possible, we will desinfect the card reader as often as possible
We wish all our customers all the best to get through this times!